Governmental Aggregator Update - May 2009
2009 Track Record
In the past 12 months we have seen unprecedented volatility in the natural gas and electric markets. The table below shows our track record for offers brokered for government aggregation programs so far in 2009. Our government aggregation clients have saved 16.1 million dollars in the past 12 months and we expect that to grow in the coming year.
Community | Commodity | Price Type | Start Date | TermMos. | IEC Brokered Rate for Community | Best Alternative Rate |
Aurora | Natural Gas | Fixed | June | 12 | $6.81/Mcf | $8.49/Mcf |
Aurora | Electric | Guaranteed Savings | July2 | 34 | 10% discount3 | 10% higher |
Boardman Twp | Electric | Guaranteed Savings | September2 | 32 | 10% discount3 | 10% higher |
Colerain Twp | Natural Gas | Variable 1 | May | 1 | $4.985/Mcf | $6.231/Mcf |
Euclid | Natural Gas | Fixed | May | 12 | 7.33/Mcf | $8.49/Mcf |
Euclid | Electric | Guaranteed Savings | July2 | 34 | 10% discount3 | 10% higher |
Munroe Falls | Natural Gas | Fixed | May | 11 | $6.96/Mcf | $8.49/Mcf |
Munroe Falls | Electric | Guaranteed Savings | July2 | 34 | 10% discount3 | 10% higher |
Norton | Electric | Guaranteed Savings | July2 | 34 | 10% discount3 | 10% higher |
Silver Lake | Natural Gas | Fixed | May | 11 | $6.96/Mcf | $8.49/Mcf |
Silver Lake | Electric | Guaranteed Savings | July2 | 34 | 10% discount3 | 10% higher |
Springfield Twp | Natural Gas | Variable 1 | May | 1 | $4.985/Mcf | $6.231/Mcf |
Springfield Twp | Electric | Fixed | May | 20 | $0.0688/kWh | $0.073/kWh |
Stow | Natural Gas | Fixed | May | 11 | $6.96/Mcf | $8.49/Mcf |
Stow | Electric | Guaranteed Savings | July2 | 34 | 10% discount3 | 10% higher |
West Chester Twp | Natural Gas | Variable 1 | May | 1 | $4.985/Mcf | $6.231/Mcf |
1. Monthly variable rates set by IEC have beaten alternative rate from the utility 11 months in a row. 2. Start date subject to change +/- a month. 3. 2009 discount off the utility's avoidable generation supply charges for residential customers. 7% for commercial. Rates tiered over a period ending 4/30/2012. |
Electric Aggregation Opportunities
Independent Energy Consultants is pleased to have brokered a multi-year guaranteed-savings electric offer for 7 communities in the Ohio Edison and CEI service territories. Please contact us if you are interested in learning how we can help your community.
We would like to offer a special thanks to the Springfield Township Administrator and Trustees for moving forward with an electric aggregation program. Their program is one of two active electric programs in Ohio and only the second in the Duke Energy market. Residents and small businesses will enjoy peace of mind with a 20-month fixed-rate for generation and transmission of $0.0688/kWh. Independent Energy Consultants hopes the tremendous success we have had administering natural gas programs in this area leads to more communities pursuing electric offers in the Duke Energy service territory.
Client List Continues to Grow
We would like to extend a thank you to those Governmental Aggregation clients who have retained Independent Energy Consultants in the past 2 years. A table of those clients is shown below. We are grateful that so many clients have come to appreciate the quality service, responsiveness and sound advice IEC provides for community leaders.
We are pleased to have added 42 communities for natural gas programs and 7 communities for electric. At the same time IEC has retained 100 percent of its client base. Our growth has come in part due to the kind referrals of our clients. We thank you for your support of our efforts.
Utility Rule Changes
Dominion East Ohio's (DEO) Standard Choice Offer (SCO) takes effect with April 2009 gas flow, replacing the former Standard Service Offer (SSO). The new formula for determining the monthly variable rate SCO, will be the NYMEX monthly settle price for the expiring futures contract plus $1.40 per Mcf.
The biggest change associated with the new SCO, is the fact that customers who had not chosen a supplier, have now been assigned to a natural gas marketer. Now that all customers in the DEO service territory are supplied by a marketer, the gross receipts tax in DEO no longer exists. From this time forward, all natural gas consumed in the DEO service territory will be assessed at the respective county sales tax rate.
As government entities your natural gas accounts are tax-exempt and the change mentioned above does not impact that status. You may, however, want to review your next bills to ensure the utility change has not caused you to inadvertently be charged county sales tax. A video covering this topic can be found on Independent Energy Consultants website. Our Governmental Aggregator's Toolbox DVD contains a series of informative videos. To request your copy, please call 888-862-6060 or fill out our online contact form.